Monday, December 12, 2011

Maria Quiles

My dear friend Maria Quiles, training out of Metroflex Gym in Austin, ventured down to Houston and after the NPC Texas Championship collaborated with me and she killed it. As she gets ready for the 2011 season, I'll be following her!

Kimmie Cominsky

First year NPC competitor Kimmie Cominsky! She had a great season, competing in 2 competitions in 20011, and more to come! Kimmie, my fellow High school graduate that now lives in Denver, was nice enough to come to Houston and let me shoot her at Metroflex Gym-Houston. Love this girl!!

Rose Brunner

After a chance meeting at the Texas NPC Championship, when I just happen to sit next to her husband, a few weeks later we collaborated in the Metroflex Gym-Houston!

Carolina Friars

First time natural competitor Carolina Friars was perfect at her first photoshoot with me.....

Adrienne Crenshaw

Had a great shoot this past week with bikini class NPC Competitor Adrienne Crenshaw...What do you think??